Monday, June 27, 2011

Miracles Do Happen

Believe it or not, people do surprise me everyday, or at least every once in a while. Sometimes I even surprise myself. My Father, who is not a technological junkie by any means is starting to cave into the 21st Century or lose his mind, I'm not sure which one yet. It started when he started learning to text, the next step was digital cable (may have been the last person to do this), and now he has entered the world of Facebook. The first two took some convincing, mostly because I wanted a DVR and don't love talking on the phone for simple questions. This last jump was probably the biggest "are you OK Dad?" moment I've had since he made a taser out of an outlet. So we began his initiation into the social media world on his work laptop and of course it has probably the first internet explorer to ever come out. We battled with the antique computer for a while and finally he threw up the white flag and we went to the real computer, aka "The Mac". At this point I was doing everything on the computer, but mostly just asking him "Do you wanna be his friend?" and he answered all of them "Yep", with an occasional "How many people could possibly have the same name!". The real reason or the one he wants us all to believe that he is getting on Facebook is to find the group page for his High School Reunion. So after searching through cyberspace and finding enough of his classmates to make him ready to stay off the computer for another month, I felt I accomplished my good deed of the day. Maybe I can start working on him about an HD TV or maybe a smart phone? Baby steps, that's how I'm approaching this process.

Other things: I recently got the opportunity to sit in on the radio show "Sports Daily" with Bob Lutz, a columnists for the Wichita Eagle, and Bruce Heardle, who works for KWCH for their sports broadcasting department. Thanks to a good family friend, Jackie Wise, I was lucky enough to experience  something that I'm wanting to get into and meet people who are in the business that I'm going into. The coolest part about the whole experience was Bruce and Bob, they were real guys, down to earth and genuinely gave me advice and answered any questions I had. I also got to see how a talk show works from behind the radio waves and there is definitely more to it than meets the ears. This experience really reaffirmed my belief and dream in becoming involved in sports writing and now radio as well. It has motivated me (again) to start blogging and I forgot all my information for my other blog so I did the next best thing and started a new one.

This weekend was also a family fix it trip in good ole Manhappenin. My Mom, Dad, brother, and sister-in-law, and me all made the trip to fix up our rental in Manhattan that I will and can't wait to be living in this Fall. We worked, ate So-Long's and Orange Leaf, worked, slept, worked, golfed (poorly), worked, ate Pita Pit, worked, nap, worked, ate at Coco-Bolo's, and visited Varney's. Between the five of us, we made probably 7 trips to Target, 3 trips to Menard's, 2 trips to Home Depot, and sprayed ourselves with water 20 plus times with my Mother leading the contest in that category. The house looked 10 times better than we got there but still needed some more work. But there is no amount of work not worth the trip to Manhattan so I'm sure I'll "sacrifice" and volunteer myself for another fix-up trip.

Remember that miracles happen everyday, open your eyes to the world and you'll see them. What will happen next? Stay tuned

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